Well done to Mary and her team of hard-workers for their fantastic work in the garden. They have been working really hard over the last few weeks to make an amazing Minion planter. Great job! We look forward to seeing what they come up with next.
Mrs. Noonan's boys and girls have been continuing the Green School tradition of our school. They are taking part in the Innocent Sow and Grow initiative and they have been planting lots of different seeds. Keep an eye on this blog to check out the progress! It's great to see the children learning about how to grow their own crops. Keep up the great work first and second class!
All of our classes are getting ready for outdoor planting season. Daithi has been assisted by some of our students in getting the garden ready for planting. Indoors, we have lots of preparation taking place. Some classes are following the 'Sow and Grow' programme and other classes are busy with the 'Incredible Edibles. There is a great buzz around the school at the moment and we look forward to tasting the fruits of our labour. Keep up the great work boys and girls. We look forward to using the water from our new water butt to keep our plants hydrated during the months ahead.
With all of the birdwatching going on in our school, the Green Team have been very busy keeping the bird-feeders topped up! They are doing a wonderful job!! Well done to our fantastic families who made some lovely bird-houses to entice our feathered friends to Killina.